Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Kissing Up Begins!

Michelle Obama is finally happy with her country, on the day the Democratic Convention opens. How convenient.

Sorry, Michelle, but if you weren’t happy until the country was brilliant enough to vote for your husband, then any talk about ‘saying grace with an empty seat’ because of a family member being in the military overseas is far too late and way too hollow now. I hope the voters see through such obvious pandering.

I know that such talk is typical of politicians, and I expect that the GOP will offer their share next week as well. But still, how do you go from finally, after 44 years, finding pride in your country to fawning over the families making sacrifices for their nation so soon and not sound paternalistic? Or so like a shill? Please. Just praise your husband and not even acknowledge the rest. It won’t help, and you might actually appear sincere.

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