Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Uninformed Talk

My brother Phil tells me that he once looked up the definition of BS in a dictionary, and that it means 'uniformed talk'. Seems like there's a lot of that going around.

If you think that a fetus is not human, that's uninformed talk.

If you believe that Barack Obama is the guy who knows what ails ya, that's uniformed talk.

If you think that high taxes are good, government over-regulation of the economy is a positive value, and that Washington knows all, that's uniformed talk.

If you believe that any drain cleaner is better than an Electric Eel, that's uninformed talk.

If you think that liberalism is better than conservatism, that people should not have the most possible human freedom, that individuals don't know what's best for themselves as a rule, or that the government shouldn't by and large stay out of our way, that's uninformed talk.

If you don't think the Irish saved civilization, that's uninformed talk.

And if you think I'm wrong about any of this, that's simply a heaping, steaming pile of uninformed talk.

Oh come on, that was funny!


Anonymous said...


Shorten it to "U.T."?


Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

U.T. It's perfect!