Monday, March 23, 2009

The Most Dangerous States/Regions/Cities.

I see this morning, on another of those lists which are always around, that someone has ranked the top ten most dangerous states. I'm not sure that such endeavors accomplish much.

The rankings were based on several types of crime and somehow correlated into a ranking. But statistics rarely tell the whole truth in anything, particularly so with crime. I'm not naive: I know that anything can happen to you anywhere. Still, most crimes happen within certain areas; if you steer clear of them you're more likely to be okay. You're not as likely to get robbed or assaulted in a good neighborhood, but if you hang out where trouble may happen you surely have a greater chance of being in the middle of it.

Rankings like these only serve to sell news. They feed on stereotypes: people will read them and think, 'That's why I'll never go into Detroit.' They're generally useless.

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