Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pop Science

I just saw a special on the Discovery Channel where the subject was global warming. Yet this one wasn't warning us of impending doom. Somewhat surprisingly to me, it was taking the stance that perhaps the whole idea of worldwide environmental catastrophe maybe isn't all that certain.

So much for the doomsayers. The show went about its business by pointing out that, despite the trends we have seen which may indicate a general and steady warming, we really haven't observed enough to make anything more than guesses, and not particularly educated ones at that. You see, explained one scientist, science is ultimately based on observation over time, and we simply haven't been able to observe all time.

But perhaps the truly important point was the concession that much of the hysteria about global warming has been produced by what can be called pop science: science based on little useful data yet proclaimed as hard fact. It is science for the instant gratification crowd, the folks who want everything now. Including tragedy.

Shocking. Still, I think many of us have suspected as much all along. When society grows shallow, so too will every aspect of civilization. Our intellect will atrophy, and we will lose ourselves to the popular will.


ShinChuck said...
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ShinChuck said...

A little anecdote you might appreciate.

In middle school we all were being taught about global warming, often in science class. I thought, without realizing how poignant it was, "But they just said that the world's temperature had been changing from cold to warm and back since the beginning of time. Wouldn't that be the most likely reason why it's changing now?" The same course that had just taught us that the temperature was constantly changing was trying to tell me we were suddenly causing it despite historically it being a natural phenomena.

It wasn't like I was looking for some ammo for my political agenda; I was barely double digits, if that. It was a genuine quandary: what I was being told simply wasn't jiving with common sense.

And this was in forth grade!