Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Catholic sisters queried about doctrine, fidelity

Catholic sisters queried about doctrine, fidelity

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1 comment:

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

I offer this post today because I believe that it addresses a great issue which we have ignored for too long. I have noticed for years, even in my early teens way back in the seventies, that many nuns had the great propensity to speak out in manners and ways counter to Catholic teaching and intent. It is something which needs to be studied and, where necessary, brought under control.

The good of the sisterhood itself is at stake. When nuns effectively preach against the Church they dangerously undermine Her traditions and authority. There are those who bemoan such inquiry into their activity but, as one of the conservative sisters says in the article, there's nothing to be afraid of if you've done no wrong, and the process should help define the role of sisters in the workings of the Roman Church.

Of the ones who protest it is fair to ask, then, what do you fear?