Monday, August 24, 2009

Movie Mania Hits Avery Avenue.

Today is the day, after a couple of weeks of pre-production work, that the film people actually begin shooting their independent thriller, Little Murder, here in my Woodbridge Historic District in Detroit. Though it has not been without unfortunate instances, and even as it will result in certain inconveniences for we locals, I am excited at the prospect of the event taking place literally right next door.

For the next ten days we cannot park our cars on the street, and we must enter and exit our homes through back doors and make our way in a roundabout manner as we venture about our daily activities so as not to interfere with the filming. But we can live with that for the sake of the possible exposure our little corner of the world might grab.

The transformation from inner city Detroit to a post-Katrina New Orleans has been fascinating to watch. Several homes have had their exteriors altered to fit the scene, and two even have had their interiors changed to fit the characters who will use them. Then, in the next few days, garbage and debris will be strewn about to reconstruct the actual residue from the hurricane. From my front porch you can see several huge dumpsters filled with what will become the flotsam and jetsam of weather driven wreckage. I'm actually interested to see exactly how the movie makers will place the debris to make it appear scattered and random; how do you make a randomness by design?

Please refrain from the obvious jokes about the trashing of Detroit and revel with myself and my neighbors as this activity unfolds. Maybe one day we'll get together at a theater and enjoy the finished product. Yet be that as it may, I hope and pray for a successful project and a good movie. Detroit needs good news which might just wash away so much of the bad we've had to deal with lately.

Woodbridge is ready for her close up, Mr. DeMille.

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