Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Chance at Film Greatness

The movie Little Murder, shot partially on my street, gave me an opportunity to become saved on film again last night. I was invited to be an extra for the second time in my life, and they tell me I have a greater chance of making the cut this time around.

I'm in two scenes, hopefully. In the first, I'm just a doctor walking past a door as two actors talk inside an office. If I make that at all, I'll pass by in a flash, but with stop motion on DVDs I ought to be able to be seen clearly.

But the real excitement is that I'm supposed to be in the last shot of the film. As two actors walk into a building, I'm walking away and up a flight of stairs. Sure, you'll only get back and side views of yours truly, but people have been discovered on less, right?

To top it off, they used my car in a parking lot scene. The car actually made it on camera before I did. But they also paid me an extra ten bucks for that, so it's all good.

We'll see what happens. I've learned to live with disappointment before, but maybe they'll be something more this time. If not, well, third time's a charm.

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