Saturday, January 30, 2010

President Obama's Hypocrisy

During a sometimes heated, sometimes congenial meeting of the minds yesterday, Republican members of Congress and President Barack Obama bantered about the state of the union. Who came out on top is a matter of personal view, it seems, but one glaring and hypocritical moment stands out from the rest. That was when the President lectured the GOP on the idea of working together.

Apparently Mr. Obama feels that Republicans were wrong in voting as a bloc against him. Yet this conveniently ignores that the Democrats voted almost as one (they certainly did in the Senate) in forcing through a health care measure. The question becomes: who's the hypocrite?

Is it really bad form when the opposition opposes? Especially when we are dealing with an issue as critical to our future as a massive intrusion of the government into our daily lives, is it fair to assert that one side is merely obstructing when they in fact are addressing things according to the will of many (if not most) Americans? Who are the real leaders, those attempting to force their will on the nation, or those speaking for her?

It is immoral to ask people to support things which they cannot in good conscience do. And it is petty to accuse them of partisanship when it is the partisanship of your own party which has caused all the drama of the last year. Bad show, Mr. President. Bad show.

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