Friday, May 28, 2010

Europe Never had it so Easy

Europe: the bedrock of socialism. Europe: the shining light to the world for quality of life. Europe: the realm of leftist governments. Europe: where the future is the source of harsh reality, and the future is now.

For years it has been preached that Europe is where to look for the proof that progressively socialist governments raise the bar for everybody. Yet the continent is facing financial calamity, and has no one to blame but itself. It cannot afford the social experiments it has championed for decades.

Folks are living longer and birthrates are down. That means there are too many people living off the dole and too few to support it. Major changes are underway: Germany, for example, has raised the retirement age. There is talk of longer work hours and reduced health care and retirement benefits. All this from the Utopia across the pond.

The lesson for America, then, is simple. Don't follow their lead. Yet President Obama and his allies in Congress are doing exactly the opposite. They are attempting to Europeanize the United States. Such efforts can only be catastrophic for our children and grandchildren, as the children and grandchildren of the bulk of Europe are now seeing first hand.

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