Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Harry Reid: Off the Deep End

Harry Reid has said that opponents of health care reform are like the supporters of slavery back in the day. Or opponents of women's and civil rights. All he has actually done is shown that he is simply a radical who needs to be turned out of office.

Health care, let's face it, is not in league with those issues. Indeed there is not a right to health care any more than a right to a particular job or particular home. There is only the right, which is in fact an obligation, to pursue these things freely in an open market. Government controls by their very nature restrict these rights. They must, in the long run, constrict them severely, because eventually our only choice will be what Washington offers us. That does not respect humanity and human rights. It insults them.

If you insist on an analogy between slavery and something modern, at least look to abortion rights activists. It is there where human dignity is most directly at issue, not over a hyper-partisan political football such as government mandated health care.

Mr. Reid demonstrates nothing less than a callous disregard of his colleagues and their position when he stoops to such scandalous talk. Especially as he and his liberal peers hold all the cards, at least for now. But, of course, that's why all this must be done now, these extreme measures must be forced through as soon as possible. Because they won't have the votes after January 3rd, 2011, and they know it.

Reid's very shrillness on the point illustrates as much. Let's give him a reason to scream really loud in November.

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