Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Musings

Vice President Joe Biden has warned that the Democrats could lose the Senate in the 2012 elections. Isn't that something we've known for several months now, though? With so many more Democratic seats up than Republican (by a count of 23-9) and five open seats, and as the GOP only has to win four seats to take the Upper House, it seems a slam dunk even if the economy rebounds drastically in the meantime. The best guess is that the Republicans will take over almost regardless of what happens between now and then. The only real question left for 2012 is whether the President gains another term.

There is significant debate within the GOP over funding for Planned Parenthood. This is something for which there should be no debate at all. What business does the government have in so directly shaping families? Particularly through a group which was started as a subtle way of preventing the growth of minorities and other presumed undesireables? What does it say about the liberal intelligensia when they have effectively demanded support for an organization which exists to eliminate targeted segments of the population?

Indeed, why aren't the liberals calling out Planned Parenthood on the question? They certainly don't mind dismissing our founders as racist despite the great good they have done for ourselves and in our history, yet they will not hold the same standard against the founders of an organization which supports them. Apparently, political souls are only skin deep. If you'll pardon both puns within that sentence.

Geraldine Ferraro has passed away at the age of 75. She deserves our prayers as any and of all of the dead should. For although there is much analysis of her political life, none of that should matter today. History will again take up her cause, such as it will, at a later date. For now, requiescat in pace.

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