Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Birther Bill and the Budget Bill

The Arizona Legislature has approved a law which would presidential aspirants ts to prove they meet the Constitutional standards for the office. And what's wrong wi8th that? We have to our citizenship for all sorts of reasons, such as getting back into our own country legally. What's wrong with demanding proof that any given candidate was a natural born US citizen? While this salvo may well be aimed at President Barack Obama, that in itself does make it unreasonable.

The Federal House of Representatives has approved a budget for 2012. The vote was along party lines. This is good. It will allow everyone to see who stands for what in the upcoming 2012 elections. It further shows that the Republicans are standing their ground. That is their best hope of becoming a majority party in 2012 and beyond.

It doesn't matter that the measure will likely die in the Senate. What matters now is that the GOP continues to display to the public that genuine differences exist between the two major parties. The people will learn from actions, not words.

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