Thursday, May 5, 2011

Repealing Obamacare

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has been asked, by 26 States, or more than half of our Federal union, to over turn what is popularly called Obamacare. They argue that if the law is allowed to stay, it "would imperil individual liberty, render Congress's other enumerated powers superfluous, and allow Congress to usurp the general police power reserved to the states."

Indeed it would. We have been rushing haphazardly to effectively void the Constitution for almost 100 years now. When we reach the point where Washington holds all power, and we are perilously close to that point as it is, then why bother about States at all?

Much of the fault in that lies with the very states who now protest the latest and broadest step by the Beltway folks, mostly Democrats, we should remember, into the personal lives of each individual. For years now states and localities have called on Washington to do more for them. Now they begin to see the Leviathan in it's true colors, and properly fear it. Irony is rather delicious, is it not?

Still, they are fighting back, and therein lies our hope of an America yet free of government excess. It galls the right thinking man or woman here in Michigan that the left cries foul over Lansing's takeover of Benton Harbor while praising Washington's heavy handed incursion against individual rights. We see once more the sheer and ignoble effrontery of the American liberal: a Republican can't take over a city which has wasted State and even federal money, while a Democratic President and Congress can well ignore the basic human rights of the individual. Such itself is not ironic. It is, however, appalling.

The case will eventually go the Supreme Court. But even so, even should that body rule against the People, the People still have recourse. November 2012 is close at hand, and we may elect those who will torpedo Obamacare anyway.

One can only hope.

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