Sunday, June 5, 2011

Recall Attempts are Undemocratic

About a dozen Republican elected officials, among them Governor Rick Snyder, are faced with recall petitions. So it goes; it is difficult to call such drives undemocratic, seeing as the recall process is written into state law.

But we'll call these efforts undemocratic anyway. It seems that there are folks out there, generally liberals, quire frankly, who simply cannot accept that the results of elections sometimes go against them. So when it happens, they have to do whatever they can to muck up the running of the government and disallow the public will enacted through the ballot box to take effect. They have to pull every lever they can in self serving attempts, like petulant children with a temper tantrum, to get their way.

Granted, the Michigan Constitution is without judgment on what ought to qualify an officeholder for recall. What that means, basically, is that anyone may be subject to recall for any reason. So what is happening is that the Democrats, merely because they do not like the political actions of the elected Republicans, are attempting to have them removed from office. The exact nature of each individual recall is not important to the point here, as they are all nothing more than political gripes.

It would have been interesting to see what those same people would have said should conservatives have tried to recall former Governor Jennifer Granholm. Yet the fact is that conservatives and the GOP didn't. They recognized that she had been legitimately elected and that the only proper recourse (outside of some kind of genuinely horrid action) was to try and see her removed during the regular election cycle. They did not try any shallow political gamesmanship but rather accepted things as they were. They did not try to stall progress in Michigan by creating a sideshow which shall only cost time and effort which would be better spent making our state productive again.

Our Democratic friends feel the need to redo any election which does not suit their purpose. It is an attitude unworthy of anyone who truly respects democracy, and speaks loudly of their real feelings about the voters.

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