Saturday, June 25, 2011

We Need More Oil

President Barack Obama has order the release of 30 million barrels of oil from the United States Strategic Reserve in order to keep gas prices down and help the general economy, which is still in the doldrums more than two years into his administration.

Such actions are akin to taking aspirin for cancer. They are by their nature limited in scope and do not address energy programs in the long term. Neither will it really aid the economy except, perhaps, for the short term. And that's really the problem with the Democratic Party today, if not the trouble with politics and politicians in general. Shoring up an Administration which must be be seeing the 2012 elections as an extension of the rout the left suffered in 2010 means more right now than any long term help for the American economy or the American citizen.

How about more drilling, Mr. President? How about opening up the ANWAR? Why don't we try using something more than band aids on a gaping sore? If there's one area which the Republicans surely messed up over, it was in not extending oil drilling further when they had both Houses and the Presidency. We might actually be past Mr. Obama's strategy and have more oil of our own at our disposal.

Well, it's something, we suppose. But it isn't enough, and the economy will not fully rebound without a more comprehensive search for energy. Find it, drill it, burn it in our engines. Short of that, we shall have in our future only a double dip recession.

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