Sunday, October 16, 2011

Romney as the Front Runner

The pundits appear to be calling it a lock. They are quietly asserting that the Republican nominee for President in 2012 will be Mitt Romney. Even the Democrats are starting to act as though he'll be the one, as it seems their efforts are being directly aimed at him.

They should be; there is at least one idea in the Romney machine which it will be difficult for him to sweep aside. The Democrats are beginning to argue that Obamacare was based on Romneycare as installed when he was governor of Massachusetts. Romney will have a tough time expelling that demon even among Republicans. The GOP must look upon the Tea Partiers as in their camp. If they become alienated, it could profoundly affect Republican chances in November 2012.

Despite the recent surge by Herman Cain, no staunch conservative has been able to tread much water in these still early stages of the campaign. Without a solid right winger it seems unlikely that the tea party would be more than tepid with Romney heading the ticket. To be sure, he could and likely would name a conservative to run with him as Vice President. But would that be enough?

The next question becomes, can he distance himself from his own ghosts? Can he make it appear as though his health plan is fine locally but bad nationally? Can he find differences significant enough between Romneycare and Obamacare that it will assuage Republican voters? Time will tell; but that does look as though it could be the premier issue in next year's Presidential sweepstakes. If that's the case, the President may stand a better chance of re-election than many of us have cared to think.

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