Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Morning Musings

Former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has been ordered to pay restitution of $500 per month. That's about triple the $160 he had been paying. It's really kind of a joke, though, considering he is supposed to pay back around a million bucks total. If the money only trickles in, there's almost no point in the city getting it at all. But something may be better than nothing, even if the payments are only symbolic.

Speaking of money, many folks are decrying the %7.6 million which the so-called Super Pacs spent on ads before the recent Michigan Primary. That cash needs to be monitored and controlled, they say. It needs to be done to level the playing field.

Well, why not make Washington less important, so that offices such as the Presidency are less important? Get back to our constitutional roots so that the federal establishment is smaller and weaker, and of course less influential. Then those Super Pacs wouldn't mean as much. But that is, of course, preposterous. Nobody can take care of us like Washington can.

That's sarcasm, by the way.

The Michigan Republican Party has given both at large delegates to Mitt Romney despite the closeness of Tuesday's vote. That makes it pretty obvious that establishment types want an establishment guy heading the ticket. The liberals in the media, the organized party types - at least in Michigan - want bland over dynamic. It's not about beating Obama, at least for the GOP. It's about not rocking the boat, not pricking any consciences with pesky questions about moral good. And we wonder why people dislike politicians and politics.

Ah, that's enough crabbing for a Friday morning. Have a good weekend folks.

That's not sarcasm. Just for the record.

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