Friday, January 18, 2013

Obama's Hypocrisy on Abortion

Well. When living children who reach the age of six or so are shot to death, they are mourned. As well they should be, of course. As well they should be. Yet should their mothers had elected to terminate their young lives in the womb, or, perhaps, a scant few seconds after they had left the womb, well, that is Momma's choice. Or Barack Obama's, as the case may be, given the legislation he and they supported.

How many children died during the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month? How many would have died before their births six years or thereabouts prior should their mothers or Barack Obama had chosen their deaths?

Pretty much about the same numbers.

Yet Adam Lanza is a cad, and Barack Obama a hero as he pronounces new gun control legislation. The pot calling the kettle, dare we ask?

Dare we ask. Dare we ask.

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