Thursday, March 14, 2013

Keeping the Faith: Pope Francis I

We have a new Pope: Francis I. There is little more which can be said here which hasn't likely already been said. He appears a holy and humble man, steeped in the tradition of the Church and intending to carry forth those traditions in an increasingly hostile world.

Those hostilities will raise their ugly heads. After all, all those liberals, atheists, and secularists who cry so loud for tolerance aren't about to tolerate anyone not like them.

And Pope Francis certainly isn't like them. While preaching for the poor and the sick he has yet insisted that Church teaching is true and must be followed. Though he is seen as a personable man, there is no amount of personal goodwill which the left holds for those who work against them.

The celebrations are still happening; the masses of thanksgiving and the prayers for the new Pontiff still fall from the lips of the faithful. The grace period has only just begun. Yet it will end soon enough, as soon as Pope Francis has to remind the world of the errors of her ways. That is when the prayers of the faithful really begin to matter, when we pray for him to have the strength to speak for Christ in an increasing relativist world.

We trust that he will have that strength. All the evidence, all the tradition; all of our faith says so.

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