Sunday, July 2, 2017

Big city, small town

If you think what a difference a day makes, think what a difference a week does.

Last Saturday I was in one of the biggest cities in the world, going to Church at one of the largest cathedrals in the United States. Yesterday I was in a tiny little hamlet in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and went to Mass at a small local church. I went from people everywhere to being in a newly opened shop where three dozen made a crowd. Believe me, in that tiny little store 36 folk was a packed house.

Talk about the sublime to the ridiculous. From New York City to Hessel, Michigan in five days. From where I stand right now there isn't anyone within several hundred feet. Last Saturday on Manhattan I was amid several hundred people within a few feet.

Interestingly I'm not sure which place I like best. It's great that I can be with family in each spot. So I suppose I should be thankful they're both on my radar.

A car just drive by. My personal space has been violated.

Let's see where I might be next Sunday. Will Detroit count as halfway between these two extremes?

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