Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mother and the solar eclipse

All right, I'll be one of those who say that yesterday's solar eclipse, though exciting and unique, was not as awesome as I had hoped. I thought that 79% coverage would leave Detroit more in twilight than sunlight as if through a filter. Still, I had fun. But more so because of other reasons.

My brother and I were working yesterday and taking turns studying the developing eclipse through an old welding helmet of our Grandpa Joe's. Around two, almost a half hour before the event reached it local apex, Phil said that he thought our mother was interested in seeing what it looked like. Well, as we are self employed, and as you do things for Momma, we had an obvious inspiration. We locked up the Shop for about 45 minutes and went to see Mom, who only lived a couple blocks away.

I'm glad we did. She seemed happy and excited to be able to actually look at it safely. She commented giddily on how different the neighborhood looked in pale sunlight. And I got a good picture of her wearing Joe's old welding helmet, a picture a Facebook friend rightly remarked would always be a treasure. I think it meant more to me that she was getting such a kick out of it than what I did.

Hey Joe, did ya see Eller with yer old helmet on?

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