Thursday, February 22, 2018

Greetings from my television

Okay, I know that perhaps I'm a bit paranoid. I know that technology allows for things which aren't a big deal. Or aren't they?
As I laid back in my hotel room last night to watch a little TV after a long day, I saw something which continues to bother me. A line at the top of the guide page, in bold, block letters and an exclamation point, read "Hello Marty Cosgriff!"
I didn't like that. In fact, I was actually kind of uncomfortable. Kind of creeped out.
Yes, I know the point is to be welcoming. Yet I also know there's more than that. They're spying on me, the hotel people or the cable folks or whomever. They're trying to figure out, using this or that algorithm, what I'm watching so they can figure out what else I might want to watch. Just like Amazon with your searches and purchases there. Or Ebay.
But that's really only my business, unless I want their help. Why are such things automatic? Why can't I, if service is the purpose, be given the option whether to have it or not? Why does my TV presume I want it?
Really, my friends. It's creepy to have help foisted on you without being asked. It's either outright spying, or something worse: control

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