Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Becoming a Curmudgeon, Part Two in an Everlasting Series.

I took my daughter to buy a new cell phone. Why? Because the old one was, well, old. You can't have an old cell phone that still works, can you? Kids these days..

Anyway, it was just my luck that the salespersons we encountered were young ladies about Abby's age. They expressed shock that her phone was from (gasp!) 2006! "How could you use that old thing?" one asked incredulously, before sheepishly noticing the old thing standing there with his daughter. "You flip it open and dial it, sweetheart." Sorry, punch the numbers; they hadn't a clue as to dial phones. I know, because I got that teenage 'Da-ad' look from all three. Right before the saleswomen gave Abby sympathetic looks and nods.

They then flew into all the things that the prospective new phone could do. "It's a slide front that has a radio and you can IM your friends and of course a camera and earphones and internet capabilities and it's available in pink or red or black or silver..." followed by oohs and aaahhs and cooing to be finally interrupted by a snippy, "But she can make calls on it, right?"

"Da-a-ad!" Kids today...

So we got the phone and Abby is happy. Dad is happy because Abby paid for it. So why should I crab?

On principle, okay? What happened to things being used until they couldn't be used any more? What happened to phones which were just phones? What happened to the times Dads understood technology better than daughters? It's disrespectful, just plain dispespectful.

Kids these days.

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