Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Alcohol, Golf, and Primadonna Monica

Last night we had our curling banquet as usual to end our curling season. Everyone brought a door prize, and nearly every contribution was either alcohol or golf related. I guess that says something about us as a group. Whether that something is favorable or not is subject to debate.

There was a very nice tool set, though, which didn't get chosen until all the alcohol and golf items were taken. Perhaps that is what truly speaks volumes about our league.

The University of North Carolina creamed Michigan State University to win the NCAA Men's basketball tournament last night. Heh, heh, heh.

Primadonna Monica Conyers, the President of the Detroit Common Council, is at it again. She told the widowed Sheila Cockrel, a colleague, that she needed a man. If I had said that to a woman...but let's not go there. Let us merely lament one more time the spectacle which has become Detroit politics, and hope beyond all reasonable hope that the voters of this once grand city take a serious look at their leaders and give at the least this most deserving woman the boot.

What's that? When pigs fly? That's so cliched; yet it fits.

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