Friday, January 17, 2014

Education and Michigan and the AFT

Governor Rick Snyder, that tough old nerd, claimed in State of the State address last night that he has put more money into education. Critics say that he has not. He assets he has added $600 dollars per student. Critics say he's cut education funding $470 dollars per student. But you know?

Both the governor and his detractors are full of hooey, because good education isn't ultimately about money.

Good education is about making students actually achieve good marks in real subject. It isn't about making them feel good about themselves, an inane idea which is all to prevalent in schools and teachers academies.

Good education is about sitting down, shutting up, and listening, asking only questions which help clarify a point or deepen understanding.

Good education is training the mind to think for itself, not spitting back elitist, leftist propaganda.

Good education is about respecting the subject more than the student who, if he really wants to learn, sees that he is not the arbiter of right and wrong and must make himself subservient to the work if he is to master it.

Good education is committed parents more than good teachers, although, of course, a good teacher, one who respects the subject he teaches, is a true gold treasure.

Good education makes a person, not a citizen, because only a person can be a good citizen.

Good education is not found on a political football field or a teacher's union shop. It is found wherever the above and related principles are found, which means it is not in most public schools in the United States today.

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