Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Charlie Sheen's Inane Bravado

Actor Charlie Sheen thinks that the whole of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by our own government in an attempt to defraud the people of this country of their rights. Indeed, the basic idea, according to the actor, was to dump our Constitution so that Washington could run roughshod over the populace.

The populace ought to run roughshod over his career. What can such a rant be except a pathetic move to create interest in himself? What could he possibly gain from this except to, perhaps, rev up what has become a disappointing run in Hollywood? We all know that the Left Coast has far more than its share of the lunatic fringe. This kind of allegation is so absurd as to be set alongside the naysayers about the Holocaust. What rational man can actually believe it?

Michael Deacon in the UK Telegraph asks derisively whether Mr. Sheen believes that Osama Bin Laden filmed his missives to the people of the Western World on the same stage where the lunar landings were faked. Aside from the fact that such a humorous reference is indeed funny, it aptly describes the mental attitude which allows inane drivel to become newsworthy. One dose of Hollywood ego, one dose of dumb idea, add eye of newt, and we are left a medical diagnosis of demetia crossed with paranoia.

That's funny, too, but in a more sinister sense. It demonstrates where the anti-American ideal in the film and television industry must ultimately lead: a world of self-satisfied and insipid stars.

1 comment:

Mae said...

*sigh* where do people come up with this stuff?!