Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz

It is becoming increasingly difficult to dislike Rand Paul. On the heels of a filibuster over the Obama Administration's potential use of drone strikes on Americans in America, he and fellow Republican Ted Cruz have announced they will filibuster an attempt by the Senate to impose new gun control laws on the nation.

We hope that those following these events fully realize that theses guys are Republicans standing up for civil rights. You know, Republicans, the folks who get a bad rap for trying to control people, when the areas where they want government laws are actually relatively few, and confined mostly to abortion and gay rights? Rarely do the voters look at how the liberals try to control the populace through global warming fears, environmental regulations, higher taxes and tremendously increased government spending, running to the Supreme Court every time the voters vote against the will of the left; and these issues only touch the tip of the iceberg. The left wants to control people, not the right.

Enter Senators Paul and Cruz. They're making principled stands for the rights of the people. Has anyone yet said, running mates in 2016? That may be stretching things at this point, but still, aren't principled leaders what we want, or ought to want, anyway?

Especially dealing with the Kentucky Senator. Mr. Paul has the value of being like his father Ron, but without the 19th Century baggage. Further, he seems to have a savvy about Washington which his father lacked. Like or not, and there's a lot not to like about politics, sometimes you must play the game on the politicians' field. The right must never stray from their principles; consequently, some issues cannot be compromised. Yet sadly, sometimes compromise, even distasteful ones, must be made. Dealing with reality is a term to be despised. That doesn't mean we cannot or should not deal with it.

And a good way to deal with it is to bring certain issues to the fore, forcefully and unequivocally. Senator Paul seems bent walking on that path. The GOP would be well advised to recognize that in 2016.

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