Monday, December 17, 2018

Road Change

Road change, not road rage. I want to emphasize that. Although I suppose the terms aren't all that close. But almost, right?

Anyway, Warren Avenue in my part of Detroit has been a one way street my whole life. But they've gone and made it a two way and that's going to take some getting used to.

For starters, I have to remember to look both ways when entering it. Granted, you should do that anyways for safety's sake, as it isn't that unusual for someone to be coming the wrong way down a one way here in the hood. It's simply that now it becomes imperative. I actually found myself yesterday making a left turn into what would have been oncoming traffic had there been any. Thank goodness there wasn't.

Then, when I reached the point where the one way part of Warren ended, I had to remind myself that the oncoming traffic there was going to continue oncoming. That's important when you intend to make a left turn; you gotta remember that the guy coming towards you isn't turning right.

It does have its fun, though. It's neat in a weird way to be going the 'wrong' way on a street. Driving east on Warren this morning, I felt like I was getting away with something devious. I sneered, and laughed maniacally to myself.

Two way Warren will take some adjustments. But I'm sure in a few months it will be old hat. Even after a couple of fender benders.

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