Saturday, August 10, 2019

Driveway pay

Years ago me Pops helped a friend of his put in a driveway. This buddy, I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name, was an all right, stand up guy. He was actually a little put out when the old man absolutely refused to take any money for his help.

On a Sunday afternoon a few weeks later Cloyce and his wife (I'll call her Mrs. Cloyce just to give her a name) arrived at Dad's front door. "We're going to a country music show on the east side. Wanna go?" Cloyce asked Pops.

Me Pops loved country music. "Sure," he answered. He went to step through the door: Cloyce stepped to block his way. Pops stepped the other way; so did Cloyce. "What are you doing? Let's go," Dad asked, confused.

Cloyce answered definitively, "We ain't going nowhere til you leave your wallet behind, cause you ain't payin' for nuthin' today."

Dad smiled and left his billfold. He knew Cloyce was trying to pay him for his help, and why offend a guy's gratuity?

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