Monday, September 2, 2019

An important public service announcement

Well, I think I'm going to do it. I think I'm going to pull the trigger and green light myself.

Tomorrow I begin a video blog.

I've already recorded the opening segment. I just have decide on the finishing touches. I'm going to keep it light if occasionally pointed. When I get serious I intend to be mere honestly poignant. In short, it will be most likely along the lines of what you've read (and thank you, I appreciate all who've read my ramblings) only with yours truly directly relating the tales and jokes and sometimes outright lies which I may over time produce.

I want it to be fun. As I say, many will be rehashes of old stories but I plan to throw in generous portions of new stuff. And Marty original comedy. Well, at least jokes and such which Marty finds clever and amusing.

I will make two or three new vids per week, and will continue with this effort for those of you still old fashioned enough, like me, to want to read. But if you actually (and I wouldn't know why) want to see my smiling face, I'll fire up tomorrow with a link and invite on Facebook.

I plan on my vlogs being short, in the two to three minute each range due to the shortened attention spans of so many of us in this face paced day and age. Hell, I'm already bored with it, so I can imagine an audience reaction.

We'll see what happens. Wish me luck...or does break a leg apply?

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