Monday, October 21, 2019

Angry about a meme

I'm not one to get angry easily. Well, all right, I am, if I'm not careful. So I try to be careful and control my temper. But sometimes I really want to just let it loose.

One such time involves a meme which I've seen a lot of lately. It pictures a woman with items in a shopping cart next to a man who is obviously a store employee. He is telling her, "The self checkout is available. She replies, "No thanks, I don't work here." The point, of course, being that we should not use self checkout lanes.

What I want to know is, how did those items get in her cart? They did because she was walking around the store choosing them. In short, she worked. At the store.

Unless you're willing to go to Sam Drucker's in Hooterville and tell a grocer what you want and have them collect all the items you ask for (then bag and total them up), don't get all high and mighty about not using self checkouts. They're just another option for folks to use.

Go stand in line if you want to; I don't care. But don't be so high and mighty about self checkout just to assuage your conscience. Because when you self shop, you're working at the store anyway.

Hypocritical nimrod.

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