Thursday, September 5, 2024

High and Low

I can't find a blog that I'm sure I wrote. I've used my search words: Joe Cosgriff, me Grandpa Joe, the Shop, the old barn, indeed every tag I can think of which might lead me to the article in question. Nothing comes up. But now you have a vague idea of the basic topic.

It's frustrating, though. I won't lie to you, campers, I was going to copy and paste it this morning as if it were new. It's the sort of thing a writer does when nothing comes to mind. And now nothing else will do. 

There's no doubt in my mind that it was the greatest, most perfect blog I've ever, ah, penned. A good story which would make you laugh. Or go eek and cringe as it were.

I suppose I could try rewriting it. Yet that doesn't satisfy either. I want it from the first time through. I will keep searching until I stumble upon those wonderful words which describe the tale. In the meantime, I hope this make you want to know what it is too. I promise I will just break down and rewrite the story tomorrow if I can't find the original later today.

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