Monday, October 7, 2024

The Litany of Cloyce

There's this one customer, I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name, who apparently believes that I'm totally invested in his life story. He tries to tell it to me every time he calls.

"Hey Cosgriff, I gotta come by today and get me a cutter." 

"Okay, Cloyce."

"I have to take my wife to the doctor first,"

"That's fine, Cloyce."

"Then she wants to go grocery shopping,"

"Whatever, Cloyce."

"And we have to pick up our kid from school, it's an early day,"

"I don't care, Cloyce."

"After that I have to exchange that bad water heater,"

"I don't care, Cloyce. Not in the least. Exchange the heater."

"Of course I need to stop at Mom's and see that she's good,"

"I hope she is, Cloyce."

"Oh! And I need tires on my work van,"

"I don't care, Cloyce. Not in the slightest. Get tires. Check on Mom. Go shopping. Pick up the kid from school. I'll see you when you get here."

"It's running hot, the van, so I best stop by the mechanic too..."

By that point I just put the phone on speaker, set it down, and go about my work. Eventually he'll clam up, do his thing, and get to the Shop for the cutter.

And I'll hear all about his day. Again. I still won't care.

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