Friday, February 10, 2012

Santorum Takes off the Gloves

Does he smell blood? Is he beginning to sense the potential swell of conservative sentiment more than willing to support someone like him? Is someone finally getting the message that Mitt Romney is shallow and weak, and starting to go on the offensive? It is beginning to look as though, if that guy exists, it's Rick Santorum.

Hydrofracking is the process of breaking rocks and what not as a means of forcing oil and gas from them. Santorum called the environmental hue and cry against it a 'boogeyman' and asserted that no ill will come from the process. He even went so far as to openly mock the environmentalists as fear mongers who politicize science. This after he told a crowd in Colorado that he never bought into the global warming hoax.

Wow. What is not to like when a conservative shoots from the lip like this? Especially as he's right on the money: global warming is bad science, indeed little more than a variation on the perpetual doomsday scenarios the fringes have spouted since the dawn of man. It's time to call it what it is.

Santorum certainly did that with his recent assertion that the left, the liberals, want to control you. They want to shame you into a false concern and childlike fear which will only keep them in power. It's all politics, aimed at keeping liberals in power and you and your liberty in check. It isn't about the environment. It's about them keeping you in place by keeping theirs.

We're really, really, starting to like Rick Santorum.

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