Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Income Tax Day 2018

As I have said before, I've come to the conclusion that incomes taxes are in general immoral. I pay mine because there's no practical alternative. Yet they only exist because might makes right. In the case of republics like ours, what that means is fifty percent of the voters plus one authorizes the majority to dip into everyone's pockets however deeply they want to.

This isn't necessarily wrong I'll admit. Sometimes a crisis must be met with greater government intrusion into our lives. Yet by and large this is not the case; only extremes such as World War II demand it.

I know governments need money. But it should be gotten through user fees and sales taxes. And you know what? Such a system is automatically graduated. The rich will naturally pay more in taxes, the middle class less, and the poor nothing (I'd have no problem exempting them from any taxes) because those with greater incomes will buy and use more.

There are reasons I've cited before which support my point, but I'll stop here. Why? Because those agree with me know them, and those who don't have likely stopped reading anyway.

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