Sunday, April 22, 2018

Terror on the highway

You want to know what panic is? I'll tell you what panic is.

Generally home bound these days, Mom gets anxious to go out anywhere, even with me. As I had some errands to run yesterday I walked down the block to see if she'd care to tag along. Before my coffee could cool she had been to her room, combed her hair, put on a little makeup (she still frets about her looks) and stood in the kitchen doorway saying hopefully, "I'm not rushing you but I'm ready when you are." So we went.

As I said, she still worries about her appearance. So it was no surprise as we tooled down the highway that, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her pull down the sun visor above the passenger seat. She opened the mirror flap and began to touch up her lipstick.

Exactly as I was approaching a very rough patch of road.

But the left lane looked smooth. I took a quick glance over my shoulder, hit the turn signal, and slid into the better lane just in time to avoid the potholes and uneven tar patches which had seemed our destiny. Disaster averted.

And her lipstick was perfect.

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