Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Zeke and Patrick

Me Uncle John (often here called Zeke) and me brother Patrick are two of a kind. I honestly think Zeke sort of took Patrick under his wing at the old barn. I've wondered if he saw how me Grandpa Joe, God bless his soul, would grate on Pat a bit and thus sought to help him cope. Oh, he'd tease him and get a kick out of Pat's answers. But I really believe there was something of a fatherly spark toward him in Uncle John, who never had kids of his own. They made many deliveries together, which surely helped build their relationship.

Patrick has his eccentricities; Zeke like to jibe at them. When he asked Pat what his favorite food was Patrick answered, "Cheetos."

"What, Oreos not filling enough for you?" Uncle John responded.

In 1979 he asked Pat, if he could live in any other time or any other year, which would it be? Patrick thought a second and answered, "1978."

Zeke laughed and said incredulously, "You'd go back to last year?" and shook his head. "A chance to go anywhere and any time or place and you'd go back one year?"

There's more, and these exchanges aren't the best. I'm saving the best one though. Keep reading and you might catch it someday.

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