Friday, July 29, 2022

Spider Thoughts

One day me brother Patrick sat on the front porch. He noticed a spider up at the corner of the porch roof and the support post begin to work on a web. The spider worked steadily this way and that, spitting out web strand lengthwise and then along the height, adding crossing hairs as he prodded along. The arachnid moved delicately about the web, taking its time until it was done. 

Patrick watched the whole while, up to when the spider moved to the middle of it's brand new insect trap and set up shop. Then my brother stepped inside the door to the front hall, came back with a broom, and with a mighty omnipotent swing swept the spider web out of existence.

Imagine what that little spider must have been thinking. "Aw, come on, man! You watch me spend all that time working and destroy my home as soon as it's done? You're kidding, right? A more considerate god would have stopped me right away. What kind of sick fiend are you?"

Of course, spiders can't think. But I don't believe we would have to imagine too hard what it would have been thinking if it could.

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