Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Angelic David

Shawn on Amazon says this about my novel David Gideon:

The book is a fun romp where the politics are much more civil than reality. This would be a fun world to live in and if there could be an angelic being like David with a great wife like Diane life would be good for everyone.
Enjoy the story and forget about the reality of our politics and you’ll get a double win.

I must admit that I'm not completely sure how to take this assessment. It almost sounds tongue in cheek. But as he did also give the book four stars out of five, I think it was well meant. 

The fact is that I purposely downplayed the politics in David Gideon. I did this for several reasons. One is that politics as politics is either boring or maddening, and typically both. Another is that, while I do not back away from David's core beliefs, if you get too political you automatically turn off half of your potential audience. As such, I feared that if I became too in depth on the politics it would distract from the real story, which is ultimately about a man and a woman's life together. Diane Gideon is the real hero, you know, and political nonsense, except where it would enhance the story, would take away from that.

When our friend Shawn advises to forget political reality and enjoy the story you get a double win, it's precisely what I wanted as an author. If you've been kind enough to read it, I hope you agree.

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