Friday, May 26, 2023

Forgetting Hurts

Yesterday I skinned the knuckle on my thumb while installing a part on a drain snake. I skinned it pretty good, too. It hurt like heck and bled like crazy; I'm thorough like that. No reason to injure yourself unless you can do it spectacularly.

I cleaned and bandaged it and went on about my day.

When back at home after work, I removed the bandages prior to cleaning up, then was promptly distracted by something, likely something very shiny. I forgot about my thumb, which hadn't really scabbed over and was seeping a little blood.

Soon returning to my clean up, I turned on the hot water, grabbed a bar of soap, and stuck my hands under the stream coming from tap. Then I nearly jumped through the ceiling when that scalding water and soap hit the skinned thumb. I yelled so loud I can't believe the neighbors didn't call the cops, assuming someone had been attacked. I shook the water and soap off my hand like I was trying to dislodge a tarantula. I swear my thumb was throbbing like a cartoon character's after slamming himself with a hammer.

It's funny now, but it wasn't then.

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