Friday, January 5, 2018

Pops makes the lineup

Me Pops had some minor adventures in his life. Why, once he was actually in a police lineup as an older teen. Really.
Pops was lanky and redheaded when he was younger, though his hair turned black as he aged. Still, many of his longtime friends called him Red, and I remember when the name on his work shirts was Red rather than Bill. Anyway, it was his slight build and red hair which got him into the lineup.
The custom among his friends in the early 1950s was to go to a park and play baseball on summer Sunday afternoons. Well, one such Sunday unbeknownst to them a robbery had occurred nearby. The suspect was a lanky older redheaded teen, and the police were able to nab him. Yet with his Constitutional rights and all, the DPD needed for the victim to identify the guy.
Yet you couldn't have a fair lineup consisting of one person, could you? As it was, a patrol car spotted Pops and his buddies playing ball. And besides Pops, 5 or 6 of the other guys roughly met the suspect's description. So the nice officers (they were very nice about it, Pops said) asked if they wouldn't mind coming to the local station to stand in the lineup along with the actual suspect. So they did. It was almost seventy years ago; you cooperated with the cops as a matter of course. The boys were promised they'd be let go without a word if one of them did get pegged, especially as they had one another as alibis and even the police saw them playing baseball.
Needless to say none of them were identified by the victim. A fellow none of Pops or his friends knew was pointed out as the delinquent and they knew nothing more about it. Still, that group of red haired friends teased each other for years about whether they'd vouch for any of them had they been accused of being the culprits.

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