Friday, March 9, 2018

Pops Advances to the counter

Once me Pops got the hang of something he took command of it. Total command.

Advance Plumbing Supply is a company we've dealt with for years. I was in there just the other day buying parts in fact. While I don't enjoy such privilege, Dad had the run of joint. It had gotten to where he would go behind the counter, get what he wanted, write his own invoice, put it in the proper tray (this was before computers), and leave. Simple as that.

But apparently the then owner of Advance, Ronnie Moss, hadn't known this. One day when he was out on the counter himself, Pops walked in. They exchanged greetings. "Hey, Bill." "Hey Ronnie." Just so you know, they were on very good terms.

Dad then walked behind the counter and began picking things off hooks, from cabinets, and the inside of drawers and boxes. He laid everything out on the counter, grabbed a blank invoice, began going through the price books, wrote everything down, totaled it, and dropped the paper in the new invoice box. All the while Ronnie watched incredulously, mouth agape and brows furrowed.

But he keep his cool and his humor. Before me Pops could take another step Ronnie barked, "Now put your money in the till and get the Hell out!"

I don't know what the problem was. It made Ronnie's job easier.

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