Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A day with Mom

Now, I want to start by saying that I am not making fun of my mother or light of her situation. But some of what she does is cute if not downright funny, and I fully expect that days like yesterday will become dear to me. If they aren't already.

She loves to go somewhere. Anywhere. So even though yesterday was Memorial Day and we were not working, I decided to take a part to a Home Depot really just to get her out of the house. I needed some electric switches anyway, so off we went.

We dropped the part off at the tool rental center. I left the rental center, and asked the greeter at the front of the store where to find electric switches. "The far right in the far back." she answered. Not being sure how far Mom would want to walk I asked her, "Are you okay with that?"

"Oh yeah."

The greeter, honestly trying to be helpful, offered, "Do you want a basket to lean on, ma'am?"

"Nooo!" The scorn hung in the air, but the greeter laughed at it and I just mumbled thanks.

"Some people think I'm too old to walk a little bit!" Mom snorted a minute later.

"Yeah," I agreed. I would have not then admitted that I had actually thought the basket a good idea. But perhaps I'm treating her too much with kid gloves myself.

After Home Depot we went to the supermarket to get a few extras for the afternoon's holiday festivities. This was where the cute childlikeness appeared. When I asked if she wanted cole slaw the happy answer "Yes!" fairly jumped from her mouth. In the frozens aisle we stopped to get whipped topping. She picked up a small tub but said that wasn't enough, to get a large. "Better get two of them, we'll use 'em," she then immediately demanded. So I bought two large tubs, and I know the real reason why. She likes dipping cookies and other desserts in Cool Whip. And that's okay. So long as she eats, the doctor said let her eat what she wants.

Speaking of which, at the cashier when I had just emptied the basket we did use then she grinned and took two candy bars from the rack, tossing them on the conveyor at the end of our purchases. "It's okay, he's paying for them," she informed the cashier with a smile. For about a half a second I thought about all the candy she wouldn't let me buy when I was a kid. I sighed.

Hey, she can eat what she wants.

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