Saturday, May 26, 2018

Taut shoelaces

I've had long days; we've all had long days. Some days things just seem to pile on, and all we can do is be thankful we're past them.
Once I was on the road for 17 hours. Two AM until Seven PM. I made a hard sell (okay, that part was good) and then got caught in a traffic jam within an hour on my way home. It lasted about ninety minutes. When I had cleared what had caused the problem - a truck trailer by then to the side of the interstate looked like the Hand of God had karate chopped it midsection into an elongated V shape (how that happened I don't know) - I decided to heck with it, I'd take the scenic route for awhile. Why not? See something different than the freeway, enjoy the country air, just have a nice ride.
A train caught me at a railroad crossing.
This put me in Toledo during rush hour. I-75 in north Toledo was under a massive reconstruction, so that obviously slowed me down all the more. But eventually I was through all that mess and in south Detroit (you sang it, didn't you?) and as I neared my exit I actually said aloud, "Thank God I'm home."
The exit was closed.
Okay, all I had to do was go to the next and circle around. First World problem. It still felt like my shoelace just busted.
But I supposed we've all had worse too. When it happens to me I'll let you know.

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