Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Double or nothing

Well, I did not win the billion dollar lottery. But this morning was a good morning just the same.

While returning from Electric Eel I stopped at a McDonald's in Bellfontaine, Ohio for breakfast. I ordered a meal with a large coffee. The cashier gave me my coffee and said someone would bring my food to my table. So I went and sat with my drink and began surfing the net on my phone.

A few minutes later a young woman brought me my meal...with another coffee. "Uh, they gave me my coffee already," I said.

"Oh," she replied. Then she smiled and said, "Do you want another? I just have to pour it out if I take it back."

"Sure," says I. No $1.6 billion dollars, but hey.

A couple hours later I was at a rest area and decided I wanted a candy bar. I put my money in the machine and made my selection. Lo and behold, two candy cars fall out of the slot. You know what that means?

I'm supposed to play today's lottery because I obviously wasn't intended to win yesterday.

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