Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

Tonight is Halloween, a day that I've come to look forward to more and more as time goes by. I think maybe it's the atmosphere: we simply don't have many days when there is a true neighborhood wide party feeling. My area, Woodbridge, and most neighborhoods I fancy, come to life in a manner which simply doesn't happen often.

Oh, they'll be the occasional annoyance, mild pushing and shoving, even an adult or two who want free candy. That last one used to burn at me, but not so much anymore. You can't let the twerps ruin your mood.

My family will take turns passing out goodies and walking around the hood. I'll wander a bit through my mother's yard, where my brother Patrick goes to town with the outdoor decor, and just be happy to be around it. I'm not even going to get upset over the move-Halloween-to-the-nearest-Saturday for convenience controllers. Damn convenience. This is Halloween, October 31st. Leave it there. Let's not go Monday Holiday over yet another special day.

And now I wish a curmudgeonly Happy Halloween all!

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