Sunday, November 4, 2018

I've been good

I've been good, I've been real good, I've been extraordinarily good. I've held my tongue now for three, maybe four years. Ever since a good friend of mine advised me, quite properly so I will readily admit, that I needed to back off my criticism of the Detroit Lions. I had gone on facebook one day and harangued against every play they ran during one long forgotten game, a steady stream of invective which admittedly served no purpose but to feed my ego. She was right; I needed to back off for the sake of mutual friends who were, like me, long suffering Lions fans. So I backed off. And where do I find myself today?

Watching the Detroit Lions recover a fumble to stall a Minnesota Vikings drive, only to fumble away a, a, fumble six?

The Detroit Pistons have won three National Basketball Association titles in my lifetime, and basketball so far as I am concerned is a play one minute game and assign the win sort of thing. The Detroit Red Wings, a premier original six club in the NHL, have four, count 'em, four Stanley Cups since 1997. My beloved Detroit Tigers, my favorite team of any sport, professional or collegiate, have four American League titles and two World Series wins to their credit as I have lived and breathed. The Lions?

They are as they have been. Same. Old. Lions.

Oh well. It's American football. The least important game on Earth. Especially in Detroit.

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