Thursday, January 24, 2019

Missed it by that much

The longest time that I have ever been awake is 36 straight hours. I'm sure that pales next to what others have accomplished, doctors and soldiers and even me old Grandpa Joe. But it was a long time for me, and I nearly bested it yesterday.

I was awake at 6 AM Tuesday. I worked, then played my curling match that night. We won, demonstrating the importance of a solid third in a curling lineup. I immediately left on a sales trip, figuring I could catch a few power naps along the way.

That didn't happen. The two times I tried I never came close to falling off into dreamland. The first time I was at a truck stop, but the chairs in the rec room were simply too uncomfortable to sleep in. So after an hour I gave up and went back to driving, to try to catch a nap later. That didn't work either, rental van seats being equally unconducive to sleep, so I just went about my day.

It's a funny feeling when, after being up and about for around 30 hours, in my case Noonish yesterday, that you realize you're tired but don't actually feel like sleeping. I felt profoundly fatigued yet was wide awake and very aware of what I was doing. My eyes weren't drooping shut; I was not nodding off in the least. I was driving well, and dealing with customers quite normally, chit-chatting and answering questions as though I knew what I was talking about. Indeed, I felt I could go another thirty hours. If anything, I had anxiety. I was anxious to keep going, to prove that I was up to my unintentionally imposed challenge.

Arriving home just after 4, I unloaded my own order at the Shop, returned the rental van, and on getting home I got on the computer. You know, to catch up on e-mails, not play games or anything (how could you think that?). I soon thought I'd stay up until 7, to break my record by an hour. Why not? And surely lying in bed with a book would seal the deal.

I woke up at 7:25 this morning with a book crunched under me. I think I made it til 5:30, or 35-1/2 hours. I missed it by that much, as Maxwell Smart would say.


Anonymous said...
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Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

You comment will be deleted as soon as I finish this reply. Yep, me Grampa Joe gave out such pocketknives as advertising years ago. If any of your relatives were welders/millrights they might have known Joe. I'll try contacting you through your blog, but feel free to contcat me at if you like. Thanks for the post!

Note to others readers: I deleted the comment to which I am commenting at the sender's request. Apologies for any confusion!