Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Sun yet shines

Let's not make this any harder than it has to be, shall we?

We don't know who'll be the next President yet and may not know for awhile. That's not a pleasant thought. As such, I have one bit of advice for my fellow Republicans: don't waste political capital on a losing battle.

We do not want to be Al Gore, okay? He and his Democrat allies put the country through a ton of unnecessary haggling in 2000, and for what? To lose something they were going to lose anyway, while perhaps turning off people for a couple election cycles. Don't do that.

Yes, if there's good and solid evidence fight it out in the courts. That would be your right under such conditions. But don't go to the courts just to go to the courts. It's unbecoming, and arguably wrong. Quite frankly, it's what the left does, and admittedly does so well: effectively crying to momma merely because they don't get their way. Courts are and should be last resorts.

Don't interpret this as my giving up on the Presidency or the President. I just finished saying that if there's evidence, fight. I'm simply cautioning that if it ain't there it ain't there, and no point doing anything but accept that.

We kept the Senate and gained in the House. There was no blue wave; Biden and the Democrats do not have a mandate. 2022 isn't that far away, and in a worst case scenario, a Trump loss, then let's work on getting a Trump in 2024 without the bombast. Ted Cruz or Nikki Haley come to my mind, maybe Kristi Noem, but that choice is for another time.

We gained a lot in four years and have a firewall today. Don't lose 2022 extending 2020. 

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