Monday, September 13, 2021

Dude, Where's My Car?

It's happened before and it will happen again, I guarantee it. Today, in fact, it's likely to happen. At least, that wouldn't surprise me.

Yesterday while out with Mom my van started running hot. We got home okay; so long as we were moving the temperature gauge stayed where it should, so once I saw that it was creeping up whenever I idled I just got moving as quickly as I could, taking more freeways than Mom would have liked. She likes to see both country and small towns and we simply couldn't do that. I truly felt bad for her. I hate like hell to disappoint Mom in any way these days. I mean, I never in any way, shape, or form liked disappointing her of course. But it's a more acute feeling now.

Be all that as it may we got home safely. But of course this morning I need to get my new old van to the mechanic. I know what will happen after that.

Once me brother Phil gets me home (he'll pick me up from Downtown Mobil, my most excellent mechanics) and I check my email before heading to the Shop, I will walk back out the door and look, as I always do, for my van. And not immediately seeing it my first thought will be one of panic and anger. I will gut wrenchingly lament, if only to myself, "Are you kidding me? Someone stole my van?"

Then I'll remember what happened Sunday and where my van in fact is this morning. I know that will happen because it has happened before. 

Isn't it amazing how quickly our minds leap to the negative? Or, worse, forget what just happened? Human nature I suppose. 

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